My Snowy Day

I woke up
To the sound of my sister
Crying ,shouting and excited!
Not leaving me alone
Waking me up over and over

But then I remembered
As soon as I woke up
I came running to my living room
Happy and excited
Just like my sister

I put on my winter clothing
And went outside
Going outside made me feel
Cold as if I were in Canada
Me and my sister went outside
And made snowmen and snow angel’s

Then my brother came outside
And we had a big snowball fight!
After the snowball fight
Me and my brother and sister
Went inside and drank some hot cocoa
So that was my snowy day.

The Goals In Life

He is my favorite soccer player and he says “Your love makes me strong, your hate me unstoppable.” I admire Cristiano Ronaldo for his personality who is generous and selfless.
Ronaldo is a great guy, sometimes Ronaldo pays for peoples surgery, he even gives away his earned trophies that costs thousands of dollars. He also donates blood for those in need. Once Ronaldo payed for a 9 year old’s cancer treatment, but this is just one of the many generous things he has done.
Although Ronaldo may be a young gifted soccer player, and a rich person, he doesn’t compare himself to anyone. Some people compared him with the best player Leo Messi, but Ronaldo dosen’t care as long as his fans are happy.
Ronaldo has a great heart. This is what people should be like all the time,selfless and generous. Ronaldo’s generosity and selfless self makes me admire him more and more,and I will always admire him for himself .
So don’t be selfish or mean because you won’t have a successful life like Ronaldo.

About Me

Hello , my name is Kimberly and I love my family.  I come from a Mexican family.
I have a little sister and two brothers, my older brother is 19, my little brother is 1 years old and my sister is 6. I love my Family in who they are, and for what they do. I’m really lucky to be in a family that is so caring and sometimes crazy and that is what I love about them.My favorite subjects are science and writing.

James Madison

He was the 4th president of the United States,

He was born in Port Conway Virginia,

Born in March 16 1751

He is Deist

James Madison Jr.

Has one child

Has cousin that’s 12th president

Was leader of House of Representatives

James Madison  died in June 28 1836 aged 85